Sunday, August 21, 2011

Backpacking to...

With a couple of weeks of vacations overdue and my brains certifiably fried after reviews I found myself wondering how best to spend my precious days of freedom. So I decided to go back to what I have been missing.... Backpacking...wagabond style!!

Here are the rules of the game.
1. No advance bookings for travel or lodging
Exceptions the tickets to the first destination.
2. Travel as much as possible by road/train.
Flights are the last option or on the final leg.
3. Leave as much travel as possible for the night. Yeah wayside sceneries are lost but well.
4. Be true to myself and keep things basic/frugal/cheap without getting stingy :)
5. There is no planned destination.

Lets see how and where this goes. If nothing else i can always delete this post and run back home ;)

First stop Nagpur.

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