Monday, December 04, 2006

Google MCap

From $85 to $505 in 732 days....
Now that is impressive if not downright scary. Take a look at the company that we are talking about. With this it has a market cap of around 155 billion ahead of companies like IBM, Intel and the likes and even closing in on Berkshire Hathaway. Wow!!!

This is definitely a tale meant for the records but well considering the true products that google offers it is a bit suprising to see its value at such a high. While its revenues are around a few billion its profits mostly rely on advertisements, which can definitely not be treated as a core revenue stream for a multi-billion dollar company (or atleast the conventional ones)

All the startups out there seem to be wanting to be the next Google. But what would be more interesting is when and if someone out there manages to outperform Google either at Wall Street or in the Valley.

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