Monday, December 19, 2005

Regional politics at its worst

Desi Fun(da)

Of all the things and of all the people our screwed up politicians decided to take up the cause of a cricket in the hallowed chambers of the Indian Democractic Institution. Worse still it has been reported that it was none other than the speaker of the house that brought this issue up. Regional politics is seen in various stages of our countries democracy ruining many aspects of development and in this case intellectual discussions.

According to the recent case in the Supreme Court where the BCCI went ahead and declared that the Indian cricket team was not governed or in any way under the realm of the government and citizens of the country it supposedly holds to represent. It was decided that the BCCI has its own code of conduct and constitution as a commercial body and the players are to be held under the same rules as that of any establishment they choose to be a part of. This was inturn followed by another ruling wherein the team was stripped of the national emblem, logically so following the preceding case.

Now since the Supreme Court and the BCCI itself and moreover the cricketers themselves choose commercial interests over that of the prestige of representing their nation I don't see what right has any politician got to waste democratic time in the Parliament over the affairs of such an organization and its members. There can be no excuse for the behaviour of the Speaker of the house and he should be reprimanded and booked with contempt fo this sacred institution.

Dispeakable behaviour once again.

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