Friday, May 19, 2006

DaVinci Code Controversy

There seems to be some sort of an unholy concoction brewing out here with some priests protesting against the release of the DaVinci Code movie being released in India. It seems really suprising that the Catholic community here, which I am a part of, has chosen to protest the movie in such a way. Usually we are a much more docile and if I may say so, a very lazy community at times. But these protests seem to be the work of some priests who have just had a dash too much of the bubbly at mass. Did they not notice that the Vatican itself has decided not to grant too much weight to this issue with Dan Brown because speaking about it is just going to get people listening and getting the damn thing more publicity. But no our Indian priests seem to have been offended a bit too much by this. Well its a movie afterall so chill:)

Anyways did they protest the book or they numerous other literatures out there that have various consipiracy theories. Anyways its alteast good to know that the Indian Christian/Catholic community is awake for a change.

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